Saturday, September 27, 2008

Symbols and Icons

Those following the discussion of The White Island at Unforums will have noted a new theory emerging regarding the various symbols being distributed to DJs and around the internet (apparently by Bes, according to another post). Investigator "therev" has proposed the symbol on the piece of jewelry given to DJ Sarah Main resembles the Reverb icon on the Pioneer SVM-1000, a DVJ mixer. Further, he has suggested resemblances between other icons and symbols.

There is a potential issue with this theory: only ten symbols have been presented so far, and discussion throughout The White Island has centred on 12 symbols. And although there are 12 icons on the SVM screen (above), the SVM in fact has two screens (below), for a total of 24 icons.

As this is a new theory, a thorough comparison has yet to be performed.

Friday, September 26, 2008

"Our enemy is activated"

Reports are coming in that an area of the Orumax website thought to be for client communications only has received an update, with the ominous message "our enemy is activated". Alongside the rather more extensive message is a slideshow, and an ancient drawing of a cat or rabbit (or a cat-rabbit?) and a snake in battle.

The investigation continues.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Elisabeth Perl Video!

A video from Elisabeth Perl has been posted to the Antonio Perleamo fansite. The administrators are clearly flustered by the receipt of the video, and appear to be caught up in something they don't understand.

For white island investigators, however, this is a clear breakthrough.

We've noted, as well, other updates on the site, concerning Perleamo himself.

Stop Ibiza Cults site hacked!

We've just received word that the Stop Ibiza Cults! website has been hacked.

More to come...

New Symbols - New Brotherhood Members

A number of new symbols have been found, related to The White Island, and a few in unexpected places. You can find more information under the Symbols section.

Related, a number of new members of The Brotherhood of the Green Chrysanthemum have been revealed, but only through The White Island Takeover on Flaunt. Look here for more info.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A New Puzzle

James Haddow of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Ibiza posted an urgent appeal on, noting that he or his organization have found another puzzle related to the mystery of The White Island.

SPAI have gone the further step of offering a Pioneer ProDJ CDJ-400 to the first person who solves the puzzle. This reward is similar to previous rewards offered by Pioneer ProDJ, and leads us to wonder if SPAI has been involved at the core of the mystery from the start.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

DJ Tutor presents new symbol???

DJ Tutor today stoked the flames of internet rumors linking him to The Brotherhood of the Green Chrysanthemum, when he posted a new tutorial video on his YouTube channel. The tutorial, How to Mix Drum & Bass with Hip-Hop, is straightforward enough, but lurking in the background is an image of a Green Chrysanthemum; this is often thought to be a signal of kinship between members of the brotherhood.

Tutor, a one-man life support system for an internet meme, is revered in both the DJ and YouTube communities. His signal of membership in The Brotherhood puts him in league with a number of famed DJs, including Tiefschwarz, Above and Beyond and, some speculate, Paul van Dyk.

His claim was strengthened when in another tutorial video, he presented what may be another symbol in the mystery of The White Island.

The investigation continues.

Sarah Main email

DJ Sarah Main recently sent an email to the administrators of, a fansite for the artist Antonio Perleamo. They, in turn, posted part of it in their news section:

"I was reading about the symbols and Elisabeth, and then Perleamo's automatic writing, and something clicked. The rumor mill is pushing a ritual party on the Eastern Shore of San Antonio Bay during the closing weekend. I thought it was another club promotion, but after reading Perleamo's automatic writings, I think it may be the ritual described in Perleamo's automatic writing.

"But isn't he long dead? No insult intended, but I just want to confirm that your site is genuine."

Followers of The White Island will know that Main recently launched a series of takeovers on Flaunt in her search for Elisabeth Perl. She has since been joined on Flaunt by a number of DJs, all search for Elisabeth. They include Above & Beyond, The Young Punx and Micky Slim. All are thought to be members of The Brotherhood of The Green Chrysanthemum, although this has yet to be confirmed.